Friday, December 11, 2015

Fashion Photography

1. The model's eyes were made bigger
2. Her legs were made longer
3. She became skinnier
4. Her neck was made longer

1. her entire body overall is made skinnier
2. her hair is edited to be longer
3. her boobs were enlarged

4. Is it ethically acceptable to change a person's appearance like these in a photo? Why or why not?
I don't think it is ethically acceptable to change a person's body to the extent that the videos showed. It projects an unrealistic standard of beauty to it's audience. Changing a person's appearance to meet this standard has a negative on the viewers.

5. Are there circumstances in which it would be more ethically wrong to do this type of manipulation?
Yes, there are circumstances in which it would be more ethically wrong to do this type of manipulation. For example, changing person's skin color would be especially inappropriate, and offend viewers. Altering a photograph that covers a very serious subject matter is ethically wrong, and photographers and journalist doing this could get fired from their position.

6. What types of changes are OK, and what aren't?
Editing levels is an ok change that wouldn't alter a photograph completely. I guess editing in objects and working with photoshop for an artistic purpose is ok too. What changes aren't ok are manipulating and changing a person's appearance to meet an unrealistic beauty standard.

7. Explain what you think the differences are between fashion photography and photojournalism.
After seeing the videos I saw today, I feel like fashion photography can be more unrealistic with more glamor than photojournalism. Photojournalism seems to be more about photographs following rules of photography matched with quality content.

8. What relationship does each type of photography have to reality, and how does this affect the ethical practice of each?
A lot of fashion photography is getting farther away from reality as more advanced technology has been invented over the years. Like photoshop. In the fashion photography world, these practices could be seen as normal and ethically ok, but really they are creating an unrealistic standard of beauty to the audience. Photojournalism in comparison to fashion photography, is closer to reality.

9. Why do you think I am showing you these three videos?
I think we watched these videos so that we could be more aware of the darker side of photoshop and photography. It is important to know that the things fashion photography produces aren't always realistic.

10. Why are none of these videos about guys???
I think none of the videos showed guys because women over time have had to be objects of beauty. With impossible standards of beauty to meet, the videos showed girl's bodies being altered.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Magazine part 2

Early magazine covers were simple and somewhat like book coves. The covers were not as visually appearing as they are today. Sometimes a magazine cover would contain a title and table of context. Also small illustrations would be on early magazine covers, drawn symbols that would reveal the magazine's contact.

The poster cover magazine type displays images that don't necessarily to the story inside the magazine. Instead, the poster cover depicted a general mood or season. The poster cover focuses on the art rather then the written material on a magazine cover. Poster cover's are oversized illustrations with very few if any cover lines. Poster covers, though more popular back in the day, still appear in the magazine world today.

Pictures married to type are covers featuring the model, sometimes inter lapping with a bold title, and cover lines framing everything. Cover lines can be large, small, colorful, and loud. The cover lines compete with power photographs, these are popular pictures married to type. Cover lines and pictures married to type have become more bold and daring over time with more technology.

In the forest of words magazine covers have lots of captions and cover lines in vivid typography.  The cover lines and captions force the model to withdraw to a smaller space on the cover. Cover lines and the image overlapping. Models may pose in ways that allow cover lines and titles on a magazine cover.

Thursday, December 3, 2015


"Eyes closed, surrounded by a cut-out Carolina Herrera neckpiece, Lady Gaga looks like she's ready to explode. Photographed by Terry Richardson, what compels about the cover is both the graphics and the rare stillness of a superstar. Here, cut-out means a knockout." 

This excellent magazine cover featuring Lady Gaga, is full of color and interesting patterns. The intricate necklace and color scheme portray Lady Gaga as bold and fierce. This portrait has slightly low exposure and seems to be taken with flash. These forms of composition compliment Gaga, as they make her clearly the subject in the portrait by making her standout against the black background. The necklace Lady Gaga is wearing on the cover also accomplishes letting her standout. Framing her face, the wild geometric floral patterns matched with Gaga's relaxed sultry look indeed make it look like she's ready to explode. This cover fits the title "Gaga's Spring Awakening" perfectly, and overall is a successful portrait and magazine cover. 

Best Covers

1. The Advocate, formal
2. Wired, informal
3. ESPN, environmental
4. The New Yorker, environmental
5. Out, informal
6. The Atlantic, informal
7. Family Fun, enviormental
8. Bazaar, informal
9. Vanity fair, formal
10. Variety, informal
11. New York, informal
12. Men's Health, formal
13. Bloomberg Bussinessweek, formal
14. Golf Digest, environmental
15. Kinfolk, environmental
16. Harper's Bazaar, informal
17. ESPN, informal
18. New York, environmental

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

#1 Magazine Tips

One thing out of five things I should be thinking about when making my magazine is that it should be emotionally irresistible, the image should be eye catching and appealing. The magazine cover should arouse curiosity to draw in people viewing. Another thing to be thinking about when choosing and taking a cover photo, is for the cover to be intellectually stimulating, interesting, to show it will be a promising magazine worth the read. The magazine should be worth paying for and worth spending the time flipping through. Having your magazine be relatable and current to the audience is a way to achieve it's worth.

Prompt Shoot
