Monday, December 7, 2015

Magazine part 2

Early magazine covers were simple and somewhat like book coves. The covers were not as visually appearing as they are today. Sometimes a magazine cover would contain a title and table of context. Also small illustrations would be on early magazine covers, drawn symbols that would reveal the magazine's contact.

The poster cover magazine type displays images that don't necessarily to the story inside the magazine. Instead, the poster cover depicted a general mood or season. The poster cover focuses on the art rather then the written material on a magazine cover. Poster cover's are oversized illustrations with very few if any cover lines. Poster covers, though more popular back in the day, still appear in the magazine world today.

Pictures married to type are covers featuring the model, sometimes inter lapping with a bold title, and cover lines framing everything. Cover lines can be large, small, colorful, and loud. The cover lines compete with power photographs, these are popular pictures married to type. Cover lines and pictures married to type have become more bold and daring over time with more technology.

In the forest of words magazine covers have lots of captions and cover lines in vivid typography.  The cover lines and captions force the model to withdraw to a smaller space on the cover. Cover lines and the image overlapping. Models may pose in ways that allow cover lines and titles on a magazine cover.

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