Friday, January 22, 2016

Yearbook Introduction

What Should be In Every Yearbook
1. School name on the cover
2.Table of contents
3. Fun colors
4. layouts that show the students and their activities
5. intriguing cover art
6. information about each layout clearly visible
7. students names with their pictures
8. book should showcase the school
9. text legible
10. clear pictures
11. Staff directory
12.All school clubs
13. blank pages for signatures
14. pictures with good lighting
15. introduction page for each section
16.mascot in book
17. sports
20.flattering pictures of students
21. index
22. spine has school name on it
23. what year the yearbook is made
24.lots of people
25. page numbers

1. What is the title of your book?
2. What school is it from?

Harvard-Westlake school in North Hollywood, Los Angeles.
3. What "thematic elements" do you see in your book? This means what elements are evident from beginning to end of the book

Some thematic elements evident in the book are friendship, student life, academics, and school spirit.
4. How many sections are in your book? This could be tough to figure out, but do your best
I found in the table of context that there are eight sections in this yearbook.
5. What is your favorite "spread"? A spread is 2 pages about the same topic
My favorite spread was either the one about the swim team and the senior graduation one.
6. Is there an Index in your book?
There is an index in my book.
7. Are there photos of groups of people, like clubs and organizations?

Yes, there were photos of groups of people.
8. Is there a table of contents?

There is a small table of context.
9. How many people go to the school whose book you have?

10. What state is your book from?


Magazine Peer Review

1. What is the name of the magazine that you looked at and who made it?
The name of the magazine was Cursive Club and Made by Bella.

2. List two things you liked about the magazine cover
I loved the font and the colors on the magazine cover. The cover was clean with not to much text, the text that was on the cover looked great.

3. Suggest something to the creator to improve the cover
Overall, I don't think this cover needs improvement. But for the sake of answering this question, maybe the creator could made had the main attention points more centered.

4. Why did you pick this cover? Specifically what attracted your eyes.
What attracted me to this cover was the great photograph of the model and the font. 
I think the text and the image went perfectly together.

5. Is there a bar code? Is it appropriate in size and located in the correct place?
I think the barcode was the appropriate size, maybe a little bit bigger.

6. If you were walking by the magazines in Barnes and Nobles would you pick this magazine up and look at it? Why or Why not?
I would definitely pick up this magazine because of the intriguing cover.

7. Can you tell if it was a portrait or self-portrait?
Because I have met Bella before (The creator of the magazine) I know this is not a self-portrait.

1. What is the name of the magazine that you looked at and who made it?
The magazine is called Children's courtyard and made by Nora.

2. List two things you liked about the magazine cover
I liked the kid on the cover and his funny expression, also the placement of the text was formed nicely around the subject.

3. Suggest something to the creator to improve the cover
I think the creator could improve on making her her text bigger and maybe using less colors and using a max of two different fonts. 

4. Why did you pick this cover? Specifically what attracted your eyes.
I picked this cover because of the cute kid on the cover.
5. Is there a bar code? Is it appropriate in size and located in the correct place?
Yes, I think the barcode is in the right place and is the right size.

6. If you were walking by the magazines in Barnes and Nobles would you pick this magazine up and look at it? Why or Why not?
Yes, I would pick up this magazine.

7. Can you tell if it was a portrait or self-portrait?
I can tell thesis not a self-portrait.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Prompt shoot Peer Review

1. Which photo do you like best? Why? I liked the "Eight"picture because of the colors and the pattern the crayons formed. The way this photograph was composed makes it my favorite.

2. Which is your least favorite image? Why?
My least favorite photo would have to be the "The End" because I felt it could be more interesting. It felt a little plain to me and unfocussed. 

3. Overall, make two positive statements about their pictures.
I really liked the unique prospective the pictures had, and the colors in them all. Also the person's pictures went well with the prompts we received.

4. Overall, what is one area that this person could improve upon in your opinion.
I think this person could improve upon using the focus on the camera to help indicate the subject of a photo. Maybe change the levels more to make the pictures more vibrant. Overall, I did really like the person's pictures.

5. Which prompt do you think they did the best portraying, from your perspective?
I think they did the best job portraying "Eight". The eight crayons were colorful and nicely composed in a way that really portrayed the prompt. I could tell the prompt was Eight in this photo.

6. Which prompt do you think they did the least successfully portray, from your perspective?
I think that the images pause and the end were the least successful because they didn't really relate to the prompt.

Prompt Shoot 3

The End


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Best of 2015 pt2

  I would have to say, according to charts Cheerleader by OMI is the best song of 2015, because of its catchiness and popularity on the charts. This song has a good reggae and pop sound that will easily get stuck in peoples' heads. Cheerleader is definitely different in comparison to the other songs on the charts. OMI is also a new artist and surpassed popular artists.

  The best movie this year would have to be Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The iconic new Star Wars movie has broken many box office records, and has excited fans around the world. The movie introduces new characters and brings back old ones. Though there are some cliches in this movie from the previous ones, I found myself really enjoying this new movie in the saga. It was exciting being back in this fantastic universe with new heroes. This movie gave me a good nostalgic feeling of the older movies I watched when I was younger.

On November 13, terrorist shootings and bombings occurred in Paris, France. These attacks left the world in shock. At least 128 people died in these attacks. There has been support for Paris from the whole world after this tragedy. I think coverage of the Paris attacks is the most important news story of 2015. This is because the Paris attacks were covered a lot in the news and all over social media.

I think Caitlyn Jenner, who came out as a transgender woman in 2015, is the most important person of 2015. Jenner in a way, represented the LGBT+ community and promoted equality. Conversations of equality and gender identity were more widely discussed in the world after Caitlyn Jenner came out. For these reasons, Jenner is the most important person of 2015.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Best of 2015

This photograph of a shepherdess in the desert is one of my favorites, because of the intriguing subject and colors. The subject appears to be the woman feeding the goats, her cultural clothing creates interesting lines and adds contrast to the photograph. The brilliant sky in this image clashes with the dry desert and gives this photograph depth.

This compelling photograph is one of my favorites of 2015 because of the subject matter and the light in the photo, created by lines. Also the filter of black and white makes the photograph even more dramatic. The light coming from the surface creates an ombre effect over the entire image. 
This is one of my favorite photos from 2015 because of the dramatic colors.  I like how the suburban neighborhood overlooks the volcanic eruption, making this photo more interesting. The houses seem to frame the fantastic colors created from the explosion.