Friday, January 22, 2016

Magazine Peer Review

1. What is the name of the magazine that you looked at and who made it?
The name of the magazine was Cursive Club and Made by Bella.

2. List two things you liked about the magazine cover
I loved the font and the colors on the magazine cover. The cover was clean with not to much text, the text that was on the cover looked great.

3. Suggest something to the creator to improve the cover
Overall, I don't think this cover needs improvement. But for the sake of answering this question, maybe the creator could made had the main attention points more centered.

4. Why did you pick this cover? Specifically what attracted your eyes.
What attracted me to this cover was the great photograph of the model and the font. 
I think the text and the image went perfectly together.

5. Is there a bar code? Is it appropriate in size and located in the correct place?
I think the barcode was the appropriate size, maybe a little bit bigger.

6. If you were walking by the magazines in Barnes and Nobles would you pick this magazine up and look at it? Why or Why not?
I would definitely pick up this magazine because of the intriguing cover.

7. Can you tell if it was a portrait or self-portrait?
Because I have met Bella before (The creator of the magazine) I know this is not a self-portrait.

1. What is the name of the magazine that you looked at and who made it?
The magazine is called Children's courtyard and made by Nora.

2. List two things you liked about the magazine cover
I liked the kid on the cover and his funny expression, also the placement of the text was formed nicely around the subject.

3. Suggest something to the creator to improve the cover
I think the creator could improve on making her her text bigger and maybe using less colors and using a max of two different fonts. 

4. Why did you pick this cover? Specifically what attracted your eyes.
I picked this cover because of the cute kid on the cover.
5. Is there a bar code? Is it appropriate in size and located in the correct place?
Yes, I think the barcode is in the right place and is the right size.

6. If you were walking by the magazines in Barnes and Nobles would you pick this magazine up and look at it? Why or Why not?
Yes, I would pick up this magazine.

7. Can you tell if it was a portrait or self-portrait?
I can tell thesis not a self-portrait.

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