Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Funny Captions

Pete, in the middle of a protest, turns to find his relatives dressed like him and ready to participate in his fight for bagel divorce. Pete Flipper was recently denied his right to have a divorce with his bagel wife. In peaceful protest, Pete and his relatives won their rights.

Linda Smith lights her cigarette with the candles on her 100th birthday cake. Her younger sister, Sorbet, gawks at Linda's bluntness. Throughout their lives Linda and Sorbet have been nothing but rivals, but when Linda's 100th birthday comes around, Sorbet is ready to make amends. Linda denies Sorbet's peace offering  by using the candles on the cake Sorbet made, to light her cigarette.

Old woman spotted in tattoo parlor receiving a football related tattoo. Football enthusiast Martha Dogless, received her unusual tattoo in light of  the upcoming Superbowl.

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