Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Abandoned Theme Parks

1. If I could visit and shoot any of the abandoned parks shown, I would choose "Jazzland", a New Orleans Six Flags theme park that was wrecked by hurricane Katrina. Since I've been to a lot of Six Flags parks, I think it would be an interesting experience to see and shoot an old run-down version. It surprises me that one of six flag's amusement parks could be forgotten and left to rot, since Six Flags is a big cooperation with many parks. Also it intrigues me to see the devastating hurricane's effects.  


3. Think of at least FIVE other unusual places you think would be of interest to photographers. List them.

Barsana Dahm, Hindu temple Austin, Texas 
Salvation Mountain, california
Northern Lights, Alaska
Cadillac Ranch, Amarillo, Texas
The Bonneville salt flats


It would be a very neat experience to document the Bonneville salt flats because of the unique reflection of the sky and the flat land after it rains. With this aspect, I think I could produce some very stunning photographs. I would take landscape photos and portraits. Landscape purely because of the beautiful location, and portrait because I think portraits mixed with the background would be equally intriguing.

6. To take photos in the flats, I would need to get a plain ticket to Utah and most likely need to rent a car or cab to western Utah. I would need a good enough camera that would allow me to take clear pictures, and preferably with a nice zoomed lens. 

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