Friday, October 9, 2015

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get the photos following the rules I set out for you? 

A challenge I faced was remembering to shoot photos that followed more of the rules of composition. Looking back on my photos, I see I could have been more patient with the focus and waited for it to adjust. 

2. What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly. 

I found myself thinking about framing and focus the most during the shoot. During the assignment I tried to get unique angles that helped frame my photos. Also, I found unique subjects and focused them in relation on how I framed my subject(s). While photographing the theatre students practicing combat in their scenes, I had to be cautious about being out of focus.

3. If you could do the assignment again, what would you do differently now that you know some basic rules of photography?

If I could redo this assignment I would try to get photographs that follow more of the rules of composition. Specifically balance, simplicity, and lines. Also, if I did this shoot again I would go to different classrooms and not be nervous too. 

4. What things would you do the same?

During the photo shoot I found some classrooms with potential that I would love to go back too. While shooting in the library and the Spanish room, I got really good photos with interesting subjects.  
5. When you go out with your next set of prompts, which rule do you think will be the easiest to achieve?

I think rule of thirds will be the easiest to achieve because a lot of the time I will capture my subject using rule of thirds without thinking about it. 

6. Which rule do you think will be the hardest to capture?

I think simplicity would be the hardest of the rules of photography to capture. This is because most of the subjects I choose are hard to capture simplistically.

7. What rule are you still not totally clear on and what can you do to figure out what that rule is?

I'm not exactly sure what balance and lines are out of the rules of composition. What I can do to understand them better is to read more about them and how they are used in photography.

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