Wednesday, October 28, 2015


1. On your blog post your reactions to what you read and what you saw. How about 3-4 sentences.
Nick Brandt captures images of african wildlife. His photographs are dramatic, beautiful, and utilized the good, natural lighting.  I can tell Brandt puts a lot effort and time into his work, he mentions waiting for the perfect photo of a lion for over 10 days. I hope I can have the same patience when it comes to photography. 

2. Do a google image search for Nick Brandt, find your favorite photo and post it on your blog.

3. Describe it and tell me why its your favorite.
All of Brandt's photos were stunning but I'd have to choose this one as my favorite. This photograph shows a lioness with its prey. The expression of the lioness with it's giant prey before her, tells a story and lets me see what the harsh wildlife in Africa is really like. I can see the sky full of clouds and the dry desert that doesn't seem to end, this photograph (and all of his others') really transports the person viewing to the African savannah. This photograph offers a sense of realness and emptiness that Brandt's other photos didn't offer for me. For these reasons this unique image is my favorite. 

4. What rules of photography are evident in the photos you selected, be sure to explain the rule to me?

Simplicity is evident in this photo because Brandt captured the center of interest in this image with the most visual attention. Also because the uncomplicated background is worth noting, but does not steal away from the subject. I also think the rule of balance is evident in this photo because of the way the shapes/subjects are arranged with the larger animal in the foreground and the lioness behind it. 

Do a google/wikipedia search for Nick Brandt

5. What kind of camera and lens does he use and why is this important?

What is very interesting about Nick Brandt is that he doesn't use cameras with a telephoto or zoom lenses. He uses a pentax 67 with only two fixed lenses. This is important in relation to his work because Brandt feels that being close to the animals rather than just capturing photographs from a distance zooming in, reveals their personality and soul. Brandt writes, " You wouldn't take a portrait of a human being from a hundred feet away and expect to capture their spirit; you'd move in close."  

6. What is his reason for taking these photos?
He takes these photos to spread his message and capture the animals in a state of being in the wild. Brandt is deeply moved by seeing these animals in the wild, especially in Africa. For these reasons, Brandt was inspired to create his collection.

7. What is his hope by taking these type of photos?

Brandt hopes his work will inspire others to help the effort to preserve and protect African wildlife and habitat. He believes without the help of humans, all will be lost. Brandt believes humans are the threat that could cause the end of the animals existence.

8. Find something he has to say about Africa, and post the quote on your blog. 

Brandt describes the effect Africa has on him and how he sees it.
"There is something profoundly iconic, mythological even, about the animals of East and southern Africa. There is also something deeply, emotionally stirring and affecting about the plains of Africa—those vast, green rolling plains punctuated by graphically perfect acacia trees under the huge skies."

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