Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Final Exam Preview

1.) Summarize what you watched and read about - let's say 2-3 paragraphs of 3-4 sentences
I learned a lot about the basics of iMovie and what the program can do. A person can use iMovie by dragging and dropping images and videos. With iMovie you can speed up and slow down footage making the website professional.
2.) Tell me one thing that you already knew about iMovie that the website explained
I already knew that iMovie had themes that have titles and transitions. The website did explain this early on in the article. 
3.) Tell me one thing that you learned new today that you didn’t know before.
I learned that you can record narration directly on the application, which I didn't know before. This piece of information will help me later on because I have to narrate my movie.
4.) What are you concerned about with this final project?
I'm concerned my movie might look basic and poorly done. Also I am worried about incorporating pictures with the video.
5.) What are you confident you can complete early and have ready to use?
Nothing really, but I am confident that I now know how to use iMovie. Hopefully I can figure out the rest of my project soon.
6.) If I asked you today, what do you think you will do for your video?
I am still not sure, but I am thinking of doing a documentary style for my movie.

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