Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Student Of The Month Story

Who - Jonah Warner
What - Student of the month
Where - bowie high school
When - March 31, 2016
Why - Because he received student of the month
How -  smart, good grades, great study habits

 On March 31,2016, Jonah Warner was interviewed for being student of the month at bowie high school. Twenty questions were asked to help better understand the student of the month. Jonah eagerly talked about himself and information about the award. Jonah won this honor because of his excellent grades and study habits.

   One of the reasons why junior Jonah Warner was awarded student of the month is because of his stellar grades. 
"Jonah is a fantastic student who continues to ace all of his tests," U.S history teacher Mr. Ryan raves.
  Many students at Bowie find studying particularly difficult. Warner keeps up with his grades by constantly studying.                       
"To study hard you must stare at the material for a long time,"  Warner states, explaining his study habits. 
 What motivates Warner to be successful is his knowledge that he will be successful. He feels he deserves this award for all of his hard work and studying.
"Not many guys get nominated for this award," admits school administrator Mack.
 Another reason why Warner feels like he won this award is because of his friend group, which has always been supporting Warner. 
 "Jonah is the best at what he does, Studying, and I want to be there for him. I see Jonah as an energetic dude that is determined to be a young Bill Gates," Joe, a close friend of Warner's comments.
When choosing someone for student of the month at Bowie high school, teachers and administrators join together to pick a well-rounded student that has excelled academically and socially. 
 "I knew I was going to win this award because I am the smartest," Warner says after winning this award.
 Previous winners of this honor have gone and done great things. Teachers expect Warner to be excepted into a prestigious college and change the world for the better. 
"I plan to be the smartest person in the world and graduate from Bowie and eventually Texas University," Warner mentions.
 This year, according to Warner's parents he has been constantly studying. But Warner has more hobbies then just studying.
"I like BMX, motocross, going outdoors, and going to Housepark downtown," Warner explains excitedly.
 In all of Warner's classes his teachers have been impressed by his work.
"He seems to have no weaknesses. Just strengths. One of his strengths seems to be studying," Warner's pleased biology teacher comments. 
 Warner was recently spotted biking at Housepark. According to Warner's friends and family members it is not rare for him to be biking.
"Jonah has always wanted to be a professional biker. His determination has helped him achieve this award and will hopefully help him become a professional biker,"  Linda, the mother of Warner confides. 
  Warner enjoys all of his classes because he thrives in them all. 
"Lunch would have to be my favorite class. Or my off period because I can study them," Warner says.
  Completing homework is very important for a student to be able to succeed like Warner.
"Jonah has always said to himself 'do your homework'," a fan of Warner shares.
After achieving his new title as student of the month, Warner feels relived and grateful.
" Winning this feels great, takes a big weight off my shoulders," Warner sighs. 

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