Friday, April 22, 2016

My Opinions Story

  Recently, a bill to regulate Uber, Lyft, and similar transportation services was proposed. These services have lately been very popular. According to in Austin Texas there have been more than 2.5 million rides from these services since June of 2014. The number of rides in the area has likely only gone up. As these transportation services grow bigger, they should require background checks and do everything they can to keep their passengers safe.
  For most Jobs, background checks are required. One of the reasons why services like Uber/Lyft are so popular and successful is because the companies don't have to go through local regulations. Why should Uber and Lyft services be an exception? Other ground transportation drivers like bus, taxi, and limo drivers, competitors of Uber are fingerprinted. It would only be fair for Uber and Lyft to go through with these necessary safety regulations to generate fair competition and help protect the people.
  Another important reason why I think a bill to regulate transportation services like Uber is necessary is that regulations would help prevent crimes related to ride-hailing drivers. From on November 24, 2015, Attorneys found that just that summer twenty five uber drivers in the two cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles, had criminal records. Regulations would help prevent criminals from being drivers. And decrease the new's reports that keep surfacing of crimes committed by ride-hailing drivers.
  Someone against the idea of a regulation of Uber/Lyft could point out that regulations would not be necessary or fair, because the drivers of these services are not actual employees. It is true Uber drivers are not technically real employees, but Uber is still a growing business that should value their customer's safety.
  Since the start of these transportation services, there has been a series of sexual assault and harassment cases involving Uber and Lyft. Sexual assault and harassment has been an issue in all of the ride-sharing industry, but there is a higher degree of accountability with Taxi drivers, because of their background checks. This bill could help change Uber's process for hiring drivers. Which is currently dangerously negligent.
  A reason why many people are opposed too background checks on Uber/Lyft, is because they think it will cause people to lose their jobs and to not want to work for Uber/Lyft. Some say regulations would defeat the purpose of Uber: a fast ride. But regulations would not destroy Uber's concept, it would just make the business safer for all. Criminals would be discouraged to work for Uber/Lyft because of this initiative. 
 Currently, drivers of services of Uber/Lyft use their own cars that may not have commercial licenses. They also may not have insurance policies that would fully cover anyone that could be injured in accidents. Regulations should be required to ensure the passenger's safety.

  Uber, Lyft, and similar transportation services must improve their safety by having background checks. Safety is important and necessary because millions of people use Uber and Lyft. I think regulations would improve the lives of all involved and better the world.

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