Thursday, March 31, 2016

School uniforms

Topic: School Uniforms

The school board has decided to create a district wide policy of enforcing school uniforms. Who would you need to interview to find out more information about this topic? What are some good questions to ask? (This is theoretical)

1. List three different sources you could interview for this topic.
You could interview a teacher or member of the school board (Mr. Reeves), a student pro school uniforms (Jasmine), and a student against the idea (Bianca).

2. Create 20 questions you could ask each source and post them on your blog. It will be the same 20 questions for each, so you only have to think of 20 total questions.

  • How do you feel about the school uniforms?
  • Would the school enforcing school uniforms affect you personally?
  • If you could design your own school uniform what would it look like?
  • What do you psychically not like or like about the uniforms the school board has proposed?
  • Do you know the number of uniforms students would receive?
  • How much would new uniforms cost?
  • Would having new uniforms effect your learning? 
  • Do you know is the uniforms are casual or formal?
  • If you have tried on the uniforms, are they comfortable?
  • Do you feel school uniforms take away student's self expression?
  • Would the uniforms have the school colors on them?
  • How do you think others in the school will react to the new uniforms? 
  • What do you feel would be a better for the schools: enforcing dress code or uniforms?
  • What material are the uniforms made of?
  • Do you think enforcing school uniforms would prevent gangs? 
  • Would having uniforms distract you from teaching/learning?
  • Would every school in the district have the same uniforms?
  • Would certain shoes be apart of the school uniform?
  • Do you feel personally that students dress inappropriately without the uniforms?
  • Would having uniforms misrepresent you?

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