Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Portfolio Analysis how judges pick winning portfolios and sports photos

a. Name of photographer -Alyssa Schukar
b. General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)- An eating disorder.
c. List three problems that the judges noted with the portfolio - The pictures felt the same, not enough strong symbols were shown, pictures were captured from a far away distance. 
d. List two things the judges like- They liked the background with the man in Haiti and the photograph of the fallen track star. 
e. What is your overall impression of the photographer? What did you like or not like?

Overall, I liked the photographer's photos. I did not get a feel of her style very well, and her collection seemed to have a couple photos that felt out of place to me. This collection needed a common theme in every photo. A positive, was I liked the locations and the composition of all of her photographs.

a. Name of photographer - Nick Adams 
b. General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)- Humans in action
c. List three problems that the judges noted with the portfolio - The centering was off, photos badly cropped, too many kids, and composition was tight.
d. List two things the judges like- The subjects of the photos and the originality of some images.
e. What is your overall impression of the photographer? What did you like or not like?

I actually really liked this person's photos. I loved how he candidly captured his subjects. I felt like all the pictures told stories about their subjects. I feel like the photographer could do a better job on composition, but overall I enjoyed his collection.

a. Name of photographer - Jordan Murph
b. General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)- sports 
c. List three problems that the judges noted with the portfolio - unoriginal, lighting lacked later on, photos became boring, posed pictures.
d. List two things the judges like- colors and the composition. 
e. What is your overall impression of the photographer? What did you like or not like?

I liked the first group of photos in the portfolio, the other ones were a little bit boring. The photographer has mastered capturing action and his composition is really good. 

a. What did the judges note as strengths as they were critiquing it? they liked the angle, action occurring, creativity, and how the photographer was in with the action.
b. What do you see as strengths? Do you see any weaknesses? I think the angles the 
photographer used to capture his sports images was excellent. Also his subject material was interesting and the colors were nice. I guess  personally the blur was strange in some places in some of his photos, but overall this photographer's photos were really good.

Watch the contest recap video at the very bottom.

a. Briefly describe the process the judges went through in deciding the winner.
The judges wen through the process of judging the subject matter, while also taking account of the composition and rules of photography present in the images. They look for originality and photos that tell a story,

1. Describe one photo that you agree with the judges on. Explain why you and the judges do or do not like it.
I agreed that the photo with the swimmers was nicely shot.
2. Describe one photo that you do NOT agree with the judges on. Explain why you think the judges are wrong. I did not agree with the judge's criticism on the photographs with the kids as the subjects.

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