Thursday, March 31, 2016

My First Interview

I interviewed Jonah Warner
Do you feel like you deserve student of the month?
Yes, Because not many guys get nominated student of the month.
What motivates you to be successful?
Knowing I'll be successful motivates me.
What are your hobbies?
BMX, motorcross, the outdoors.
What is your favorite class in school?
Lunch. Or my off period because I can study.
What extra curricular activities do you have if any?
BMX and going to Housepark downtown.
How do you prepare for a big test?
I study hard, look at paper.
What do you want to be when you are older?
Professional Biker.
How would your friends describe you?
They would describe me as energetic.
What is your favorite fruit?
Apples, because they make you smarter.
What is your method of transportation to school?
My car. It is a Honda.
Who or what inspires you to succeed?
Bill Gates inspires me daily.
How does it feel to be student of the month?
Feels great, takes the weight off my shoulders.
Do you know why you were chosen for student of the month?
Yes, because I am the smartest.
What are your goals for the future? 
To become the smartest person in the world like Bill Gates.
What is your favorite television show?
Agents Of Shield.
What is your favorite book?
I don't read. Reading is for dumb people. Why read when you can study?
What is you favorite subject in school?
U.S history because it is interesting.
Do you plan to go to college?
Yes, Texas University.
If you could say something to your younger self what would it be?
"Do your homework."
What are your weaknesses and your strengths?
No weaknesses. My strength is studying. 

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