Thursday, September 24, 2015

Academic Shoot Preview

1.  Why did you pick this photo? 
The photo I picked is by Casey Simmons and called: "Junior year". I chose this photo because of the story it tells and the different angle the photographer captured. The photo shows a boy, sitting on the floor of what I assume is the school library, with a lot of books before him, probably studying. I like how the picture is black and white and has a somewhat fish eye effect. Another thing I liked about this photo is the angle from above which allows a person viewing this photo to see all around the subject.

2. What rules of photography are evident in the photo?
 The bookshelves around the subject make this photo balanced because of the shelves on the edges of the picture surrounding the subject. Another rule of composition in this photo is Framing. Again the two bookshelves seem to frame the subject from the sides.

3.Where do you think you could take photos like the ones you look at today? A lot of the photos I looked at today were taken in a science class. I think I would also take photos in the science room but only if their was a science experiment like the photos showed. Another place I'm thinking of taking photos is my spanish class. I think this would be a good place to capture action and emotion because in my spanish class the students are very active and we are always learning new things. Their are no desks in the class, and we learn in an unconventional ways. 

4. Whose classroom would you like to visit and take photos in? As I answered in question three, I would like to take photos in my spanish class. The classroom is very colorful and I think I could capture some interesting photos.

5. What will you do, as the photographer, to get amazing photos like you look at today? As the photographer, I will try to get photos that have the rules of photography evident in them. The photos I looked at today captured stories and were shot from abstract angles. Next week, when I go out to take photos I will try to get photos that show emotion and have stories, and I will try to capture images from unique angles.

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