Tuesday, September 1, 2015

First Day Photos

Something Living

A Picture Of My Partner Lail
This is a candid picture of Lail talking about Bowie. I like this photo because being a freshman,  I had questions on where everything was and what the school is like and he answered them. This picture also shows the entrance to Bowie from the bus entrance. I come through this way on my way from the bus in the mornings. 

Free Choice
I chose this picture of a cicada shell as my free choice. When I first saw this photo I thought it was kind of gross, but looking at it for awhile I saw its merit. I think this photo is interesting because you can see the bug in detail. Personally, if i see a bug i will not study it in depth, so I think this photo's cool because it lets me see a cicada magnified and changes my idea on what the bug looks like.

First Day Of School
This picture reminds me of the first day of school because I ate lunch by the sign and the tree. 

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