Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Prompt Shoot

I think this photo shows simplicity because it is simply the subject with a brick wall as the background. Also the shadow in the image casts a line across the photo, making the picture have lines too. ( plus the walls pattern shows lines) The shadow in a way, also acts as a frame. Framing the subject in the shadow.

This photo shows examples of lines and rule of thirds. The lines featured are the bars and the shadows they cast across the subject. I can see many geometric shapes in this picture. For rule of thirds, my subject, Olivia's shoes are positioned in a corner of the thirds. 
Looking back on this photo now, I realize that the car positioned in front of the corner of my subject  is a distracting merger in the photo. Also I could have found ways to photograph the truck with more elements of composition, and that my focus could improve. But I do think the open foreground and background offer a feeling of balance. 
This image shows elements of balance, framing, and lines. I think this photo shows balance because of the geometric shapes and the subject has lots of foreground. The columns surrounding the kids eating lunch frame them and give a sense of dimension. For lines, the columns could double as lines as they end at a faraway point in the background in a dynamic way. My focus could definitely improve.
I chose this photo as a merger because when viewing the photo I wasn't sure what my subject was and there are distracting elements placed in the foreground. The photo does offer lines from the lighting casting some shadows and all the wires.

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